
Tekoäly korvaa meidät - Osa 1-3

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Once upon a time in a world where time was a cube, there lived a man named Bob who had a pet giraffe with a neck that could reach the moon. One day, Bob decided to take his pet giraffe to the moon to see if it could touch it with its neck.

After they landed on the moon, Bob realized that the moon was made of cheese and the giraffe started to eat it. Suddenly, a group of aliens appeared and asked Bob and his giraffe to leave, as the moon was their source of cheese for their sandwiches.

Bob didn't want to leave, so he made a deal with the aliens. He offered to bring them back a different kind of cheese from Earth every day in exchange for allowing the giraffe to keep eating the moon cheese.

So every day, Bob would travel to Earth, gather different types of cheese, and bring it back to the moon. This went on for months, and the giraffe was having the time of its life eating moon cheese.

One day, Bob brought back a particularly strong and stinky cheese, and the giraffe wouldn't stop eating it. The smell was so bad that it made the aliens sick and they asked Bob to leave.

Bob and his giraffe went back to Earth, and the giraffe never stopped eating cheese. It grew so big that it eventually became a cheese planet, and Bob lived on it, surrounded by cheese for the rest of his life.

The end.


Once upon a time in a world where cats ruled the earth, there lived a man named John. John was a peculiar man with an even more peculiar habit. Every day, he would wear his favorite green hat and sit in the park, eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

One day, as John was enjoying his cereal, a group of cats approached him. They were dressed in business suits and carried briefcases. The cats introduced themselves as lawyers and told John that they had been hired to sue him for copyright infringement.

John was confused. "Copyright infringement?" he asked. "What on earth are you talking about?"

The cats explained that John's green hat was identical to the trademarked logo of their company, CatCorp. They claimed that John was using their logo without permission and demanded that he remove the hat immediately.

John was shocked. He had never even heard of CatCorp and he had been wearing that green hat for as long as he could remember. He refused to take the hat off and told the cats that he was not going to be bullied by a group of felines.

The cats were not happy with John's response. They warned him that if he did not remove the hat, they would take him to court. John refused to back down, and so the cats filed a lawsuit against him.

The trial was a strange and absurd affair. John's defense was that he had been wearing the green hat for years and that the cats had no right to claim ownership of a color. The cats, on the other hand, claimed that their logo was unique and that John's hat was an infringement on their intellectual property.

In the end, the judge ruled in John's favor. The cats were furious and vowed to appeal the decision, but John didn't care. He was just happy to be able to keep wearing his beloved green hat. And so, John continued to eat his cereal in the park, wearing his green hat with pride.

Once upon a time, the cats who lived in the village near John's house heard about his magical hat that granted wishes. They decided they wanted it for themselves and schemed to steal it from John's head.

The first cat, Fluffy, tried to jump from the roof onto John's head and grab the hat, but he missed and landed in a nearby puddle. The second cat, Whiskers, tried to disguise himself as a bird and fly down to perch on John's head, but John saw through the disguise and chased him away with a broom.

Finally, the third cat, Spot, had an idea. He snuck into John's house while John was sleeping and climbed up to the top of John's head, using his sharp claws to cling onto John's hair. Spot slowly inched his way down towards the hat, careful not to wake John up.

Just as Spot was about to grab the hat, John suddenly sat up and rubbed his eyes, causing Spot to lose his grip and fall down, landing with a soft thud on the bed. John, still half asleep, picked up the cat and put him back on the floor, completely unaware of the failed hat heist.

The cats, defeated but not discouraged, continued to scheme and plot for another day to steal the magical hat from John.


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a king who had a peculiar habit. Every morning, he would put on his crown and walk around the kingdom backward. He believed that by doing so, he would bring good luck to his kingdom.

One day, the king decided to build a giant tower made of jelly beans. The tower was so tall that it reached the clouds. The king climbed to the top of the tower and declared that whoever could climb to the top of the tower and reach the clouds, would become the next king.

Many people tried, but they all slipped and fell because of the slippery jelly beans. However, one day, a young man named Max appeared. Max had a secret weapon: he had a pair of skis. He put the skis on his feet and glided up the tower.

When Max reached the top of the tower, he saw that the clouds were actually made of cotton candy. Max took a bite of the cotton candy and found that it was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted.

Just then, the king appeared and crowned Max as the new king. Max ruled the kingdom with a fair hand and brought even more good luck to the kingdom by making the clouds out of cotton candy every day.

And so, the kingdom was filled with joy and laughter, and everyone was happy, especially Max who got to eat cotton candy every day as the king. The end.

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